Hello faithful reader.
Well this Saturday was supposed to be WhiStle radio's, http://www.whistleradio.com/, Stars of Stouffville III, but due to some problems has been postponed for a bit. I was to attend, also for th e third year, as photographer of the event.
I even went so far as to add another low light lens to the Lowepro, a Pentax DA 50 F2.8 Macro. But it will have to wait i suppose. Good thing, as i need to send in my K10D to address aome back focus issues. I have been assured it will be a maximum of 2 weeks turn around, so the timing should be good.
Its a pretty good event. Usually 6-7 local artists, doing sort of an Unplugged type of show. I'm always impressed with the talent we have in the area.
Today photo is a shot from year I, Chris Huddy and Bob Watson, converted to B&W, one of my first attempts.
Tanks for listening