Sunday, August 28, 2011

Saturday August 27, 2011-shingles

Hello faithful reader.
Well Saturday was a big day around the casa, my roofing friend came over and shingled the shed roof for me. Did not have to but he did, small town living eh.:-). Looks great and now i can work inside the shed on those rainy days, like today and keep working.

Soffits, door and trim are all that is left.

Thanks for listening


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday August 20, 2011-Its really much more than a box now.

Hello faithful reader.

My builder friend showed up today and helped me install my rafters, gable ends and roof sheeting. It sure helps to have help. I doubt i could have done this myself. It looks great and a big relief that that part is done. Now, soffit some more paint and the door and we are done.

Thanks for listening


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday August 13, 2011-its more than just a box

Hello faithful reader.

Well i have been busy the last few days, no rain so i managed to get the entrance wall framed sheeted and erected. Liz painted that wall this morning. Also had time to install the 2x6 ridge beam this morning. Looking ,ore like a shed every day.

Thanks for listening


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday August 9, 2011-shed west wall

Hello faithful reader.

Between Sunday with its off and on rain and yesterday, i managed to get the west wall built. Managed to screw up twe cuts on Sunday, so no more partial work, do it all or not at all. Needed to do some minor edge adjustment on the north wall lay out to get it square enough Rod will not notice during rafter placement but that was ll. So far i have impressed my self.
Oh the cat shot is for fun.

Thanks for listening


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Saturday August6, 2011-Shed floor and some walls.

Hello faithful reader.

Well a couple of busy days on the shed build. Thursday i built and painted the south wall which is close to the garage, so i wanted to prep as much as possible on the floor. I can get between the wall and the garage, but its just easier this way. Friday i built and painted the north wall, figured what the hell might as well stay consistent with the other wall right. Liz did the priming and paint on the OSB board then i just cut to fit my 10' x 6' high frames. The south wall seems to look out of level at the front, but i checked the corners with a rod and level, well actually a Wild T1a transit at 90 degrees but the results are the same, and all of the corners were with in my 1/4" tolerance, or at least i thought they were.
Any way here are some more build photos.

Thanks for listening


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday August 2, 2011-shed floor and foundations

Hello faithful reader.

Well the old shed is completely gone, and i put the new foundation in by myself on Monday August 1. Will be doing the floor sheathing today if it does not rain.

Thanks for listening