Afternoon all.
Well its been a hectic week or so. I never knew being semi retired, required so much work. I think i'll go back to work just for a rest.
No i'm only kidding. Just trying to get a few things done around the house that i have neglected since i bought it, and a few interviews. I spend a day after leaving MMM to process some photos taken at GFM during June's Nature Photography Weekend. The one you see here, made it to what is known as" The dishonerable mention" category. Thats sounds horrible you say, but not so. These are photos that, for some small mishap on the photographers part, would have most likely finished in the top three of what ever category it was entered in. For my photo, a Dslr Infrared conversion shot, the judges felt the sky needed to be darker. Point taken, and duly noted for the 2008 contest.
Going out Friday and shoot some MF B&W. Have not done that for a while. Im excited.
Thats it for today. I have a cutsy pic and story for you Friday
Thanks for listening
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