Hi fathfull reader.
Well last weekend, June 30th, was our Strawberry Festival as part of Canada Day celebrations. Been going on for 23 years. My were does the time go. Seems like yesterday they were still in planing mode.
Well it was perfect day. Weather was warm, but not killer hot. Parade had a good turn out, and our fledgling radio station 102.7 had a float and parade route booth. I took a few pre parade photos and a lot from the float.. Some good crowd shots if i do say so myself.
We did our Whistle Off in the park at 2pm and had 119 participants sign up.
Led by our whistler, Steven Sword, we managed to whistle for the aloted 5 minutes and set the Guinness record for the biggest whislte off.
We did 6 tunes including whistling O Canada in French and English. You can tell the difference.LOL
Any way a long day and sore feet, but a good day.
Please see www.caughtinmotion.com and look for the link to the photos near the bottom of the home page.
Thanks for listening
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