Hello faithful reader.
Been a while since i had something to write down, been a bit busy with post season photo orders and job hunting.
Its not unusual for a lot of orders to come in after the equine season is over. Lots of people wait to see if i get anything else they may want printed or on a CD.
I don't mind, bill's have to be paid, right.:-)
This past weekend was our Thanksgiving here in Canada, and as in the past 7 years, i made the anual trek up to a friends hunt camp in Madawaska Ontario, for a weekend of what we call bird hunting(actually its more of a nice walk in the bush, with camera, but i bring the 410 along to make it look good) and the "family" dinner on the Saturday. The family is a group of people, some related to but mostly associated with the camp and are or were one time Mmadawaskians. Great group of people. Unfortunatly some could not attened. The desert lady was there and had my fill of home made carrot cake and pecan pie. Now as long as my Doctor does not read this.LOL
Its a happy and sad weekend for me. Happy as i enjoy getting away from the big smoke(Toronto) and in the quiet bush. Quite a few photo op's but the weatehr the past few years have lead to not so great colurs in the trees.
Still, photos are out there to be found.
Sad because its pretty much it for the summer type weather most people like. I personally am a cold weather person, so i'm not so sad for long.
Two banquets on tonight. The Central East Hunter Jumper, of which i supply slideshow material and take awards photos, and the Cadora Dressage Banquet, of which my daughter will receive her first place and Champion awards.
Unfortunatly they are at the same time, different locations, and i will miss her night. To bad we only knew about the Cadora one a few weeks ago, not longer.
For that i am very sad. I missed a lot of my daughter growing up, due to major work travelling, and i try to attend everything she does now, to help make up and catch up the time missed.
Thanks for listening.
Oh and what am i thankfull for on Thanksgiving, well, that i have a wife that puts up with the cameras all over the house, and a daughter who is smart, honest and fun to be with.
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